Accommodation and services

Let your vacation be relaxed.

Here we provide you with everything you need for a pleasant and relaxing stay, with a rich list of agencies, catering services, accommodation, galleries and much more. Whether you're looking for comfortable accommodations, local cuisine, art galleries, or outdoor activities, our community offers a wide range of options to make your vacation unforgettable.

Surrender to the beauties of Bala and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Smještaj i usluge

More information

Zdravstvene usluge

Ordinacija opće medicine
Tel: 00385/(0)52/824280
La Musa 1
Kremenić Vilim dr.

Zdravstvene usluge

La Musa 1
Tel: 00385/(0)52/824223
Gasparini Ljubinka dr. stom.

Zdravstvene usluge

San Zuian 36
Mob: 00385(0)91/5179694

Zdravstvene usluge

San Zuian 13a
Mob: +385(0)91 175 1686